Fuel Management Strategies

Petrol prices keep increasing year by year. With the international fuel prices that have remained steady since November 2016, promises that the new year will drop around two cents a litre. However in 2017 we have faced an increase by 51 cents a litre, with diesel at around 40 cents and illuminating paraffin by 43 cents. Fuel experts are looking for better ways to save money.

Fuel Management strategies are implemented in-order to monitor and maintain the fuel consumption as well as the stock in the transportation industry. We use various systems to monitor fuel purchases and fuel dispensed. Reports and any other information that we receive are computerised into an online fuel management which is calculated into our data capturing system.

There are various types of fuel management systems:


Below are seven fuel management strategies that you can use:

  1. Using a smaller vehicle – A smaller vehicle means that the fuel tank will be smaller and this in return means that you will be reducing your fuel usage. Keep in mind that the smaller vehicle needs to be able to handle the work load.
  2. Keep your vehicle clean – By keeping your exterior clean can be extremely helpful because dirt and snow cover can make the vehicle heavier. A heavier vehicle means that your engine will work harder and more fuel will be required.
  3. Tyre pressure – Most people do not know this but an under-inflated tyre increases the rolling resistance. The velocity of the vehicle will decrease due the resistance but when you accelerate the pressure will need the vehicle to use more fuel.
  4. Vehicle maintenance – The dirtier the oil gets, the harder it is for the circulation process to take place. The engine will be required to use more fuel. Make sure that your filters are clean at all times so that you put less stress on to the engine. And do not forget to always check if your cooling system is working.
  5. Decrease the load – In the transportation industry overloading the vehicles can be a norm but this will only cause you to use for fuel once again. Monitor your loads and make sure that it is not an overload.
  6. Plan your trips – When you are on the road, it is important to plan your route. This doesn’t only help with the company’s budget but by planning one trip may be you can cover two other jobs as well.


Avoid peak traffic and the rush hour- idling uses fuel, by avoiding these times you will be reducing your fuel by a huge amount.